I'm having one of those days. You know, THOSE days. Full of tantrums and teething and sleep deprivation. As soon as the kids were in bed I was hit with a wave of exhaustion and hunger. So I knew I needed a little pick me up so I could get a few things done this evening.
Everyone has their comfort food snack, mine is cinnamon toast. I used to eat it all the time back when I was a student trying to finish up projects. It's so cheap and easy and always available. The ingredients are always in my house.
Cinnamon Sugar Mix
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
This amount is enough to almost fill one of those little spice jars from the dollar store. I like them because they have a shaker lid.
I ended up having 3 giant slices. This combination of cinnamon and sugar was the perfect mix.