Friday, June 10, 2011

Ranch Salad Dressing Mix

I once had a roommate who ate the same lunch every day- a wrap with spinach, cheese and ranch dressing. I think of her every time I see a bottle of ranch salad dressing.

I made ranch dressing for my Mix it up party since I can't have eggs and needed people to taste it. They offered advice to thicken the recipe and make it more tangy so here is the improved version:

Ranch salad dressing mix (single use)

1/3 cup buttermilk powder
2 teaspoons parsley
1 teaspoon dill weed
¾ teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
Dash pepper

What else you’ll need

1 ½ cups mayonnaise
¼ cup water
2 tablespoons vinegar

Combine 1/3 cup of mix with mayonnaise, water and vinegar and shake well.

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